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Luau Beer Dinner (Clawson)

1 East 14 Mile Road, Clawson, MI 48017

Missing the warm weather? Get a taste of the tropics in January with this five-course meal paired with our award-winning beers

Spam Musubi Appetizer paired with 313 (Polish Lager)

Lomi-Lomi Smoked Salmon Salad paired with Blanc Stare (Witbier)

Ginger-Soy Crusted Mahi-Mahi paired with Monkey Mouth (Midwest IPA)

Teriyaki Beef Skewers paired with Drive Thru Brew (Dark Lager)

Macadamia Coconut Bites Over Haupia paired with Black Ace (Imperial Stout)

*Ticket includes food, beer, tax and gratuity

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